Happy New Year!
Whether you're planning to celebrate in a tuxedo, ball gown, jeans or pajamas, let's raise our glasses to the new year ahead. My very best wishes to you, your friends, family and colleagues. See you in 2024!

Begin 2024 With A Sparkling Database While it may sound like a daunting task, it's important to periodically clean your database records. While some actions may be automatic, such as moving a prospect to a buyer or seller list, it's just as important to delete records with no future value.

If you have a fairly large amount of data to go through, you may want to begin by removing any records with no activity in three years (except any with attached financial records). Activities within these may include conversation records, emails, event attendance and social media posts.

If you're running a basic database hygiene program, be sure to flag all database entries that are attached to a financial document. These should be retained for seven years, unless an accountant or auditor provides a different retention date.

A database scrub can also identify records with no physical address or contact number. You could also decide to fill in some blanks, such as removing all email-only contacts and sending them a friendly email that asks them to update their physical address and phone number. You can delete those who don't respond from your database, together with bounced email addresses.1

A Different Type of New Year's Resolution

Setting one or more professional goals helps us take control of our career's direction. They also provide focus, keeping us feeling productive. They're a vision of what you can achieve, so it's time to concentrate on your 2024 resolutions. Take the time to complete the steps in this process and your path to success will be clear.

1. Take a closer look. Is it something you truly want, or something agents are supposed to want? Does it align with your values? Is it important enough to spend hours of effort achieving it?

2. Create SMART goals. You may already know that a SMART goal is defined as Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. The key here is specific: the more specific your goal, the higher the chance you'll reach it.

3. Write your goals down. This makes them genuine. It also makes it easy to post them where you'll think about them frequently, such as your computer workstation.

4. Create an action plan. Many goal-setters never get to this stage although it's vital to take pen (or felt marker, or crayon) to paper and create a personal plan. Be creative and add some illustrations, as this often triggers new ideas.

5. Add a timeline. This helps you concentrate on how long each step will take, and whether you may need assistance.

6. Take action. It's what you've been working toward...now it's time to act. Every step you should take should lead to another until you finish your goal.

7. Take time to re-evaluate. Concerned about keeping your motivation strong? Consider a weekly self-evaluation to measure your progress. It's helpful to bring a friend into this process, especially if you need to make some adjustments.2

Face 2024 With a New Head Shot
If you haven't updated your headshot recently or are still using a selfie from your cell phone, it's time to invest in a new photo taken by a professional. Here are some reasons why.

Replace an old headshot. Everyone's looks change over time, which means you should replace your headshot every two years. You may also want to call a photographer if you've recently changed your hairstyle, grown/shaved a beard, or are wearing new glasses. You never want to go through the embarrassment of re-introducing yourself at an event because others don't recognize you from an outdated headshot.

Build credibility. The right headshot tells your prospects, borrowers and referral network that you're 100% invested in your career. If you're a content creator, a great headshot is essential for building lasting connections with your audiences.

Announce your new endeavor. If you've just moved to a new brokerage, been promoted, or launched a new business, a new headshot tells others that you're moving up in the world. Make sure it reflects your confidence and enthusiasm.

Redefine your personal brand. Your headshot should be the visual representation of your personal brand's values, culture and vision. It should align with the message you want to convey to your target audience.

Re-think your business needs. You may need more than one headshot for various reasons. For example, you may want a more informal headshot for your Instagram account, and a formal photo for official documents. Having versatile headshot options enables you to tailor your image to match the context and audience.3

Why the Pen Is Mightier Than the Text The next time you're going through your mail, what do you open first? The offer for an extended vehicle warranty, or the hand-written envelope with a commemorative stamp? Unless you're yearning for a vehicle warranty, chances are you opened the other one first. Here are some reasons to make handwritten notes and letters part of your relationship building campaign.

Stand out in the crowd. In this digital age, emails and texts have replaced letters and phone calls. They're fast and convenient, but they often lack a personal touch. When you take the time to put pen to paper, it shows that you value the recipient and the relationship.

Avoid the Spam folder. One of the biggest advantages of a handwritten message is its permanence. Unlike an email that can be lost in a sea of other emails, a handwritten message is something that the recipient can hold onto and remember the sender by. Check out others' bulletin boards and you'll often see a handwritten note.

Outdo the competition. Extra effort is what can set you apart from other agents. Handwritten letters and notes have a greater impact than generic ones and prove you're ready to go the extra mile...something that's a big plus for any business relationship.4

Sources: 1effectivedatabase.com, 2lucidchart.com, 3meetthebryants.com, 4postalgia.ink